Posts: 3
Registered: 09-02-2006 Location:
posted on 09-03-2006 at 00:30 |
To guys: how do you feel about a girl who's a virgin??
Hello, I'm a girl, 24, a virgin. At first it was a religious thing because I was raised a Christian and was taught that sex was evil. Now i'm not religious (for some time now) but was afraid to have sex for several reasons:
1. thinking that it would terribly hurt
2. didn't know (afraid) how to tell a guy that I was still a virgin, so didn't get intimate to 'that' point
I am not a type of person who believes in no sex before marriage, in fact i don't even want to get married (politics). I have no problem getting a guy but the problem now is most guys i meet are just jerks and not real men. I actually told one guy that I was a virgin and we even talked about me loosing it with him and we almost had an intercourse, but I got so freaked out and backed out, later it turned out this guy was a jerk too.
I have been fingered and masturbated several times, had amazing phone sex with one guy for some time, but in this society it seems that its a shame if you're 24 and still a virgin. I don't want to lose to a random guy, but I want to have sex too because i know it will be good and I think I'm a very sexual person and is missing out. Perhaps i'm being too insecure about my virginity (i do feel proud but not all the time) and when i meet a nice person I will be afraid of telling him I'm a virgin and see his reaction.
I want to hear some guys' responses about this PLEASE
Posts: 49
Registered: 07-01-2005 Location: California
posted on 09-04-2006 at 10:14 |
what's normal
It seem like you only want to have sex so you can fit into the crowd.Sex doesn't make you normal. How about learning to be in a relationship with the opposite sex and then sex will follow.
Posts: 1
Registered: 09-04-2006 Location:
posted on 09-04-2006 at 20:44 |
Be strong
I'm 34 years old male married my wife is 38, and just want to tell you a short storie about me. My wife was not virgine to me. I knew that before we got married and it did bother me but I have had hope that in time I would learn to accepted unfurtunally we been married for 8 years and it bothers me more today than it did when we first met, I'm currently on medication to try to calm down my depression, what bothers me about her not being virgine to me is that she lost it to a guy that did not deserve it, she now regreat so bad and wish she colud change it but as you know thats impossible, What I'm trying to tell you is if you want to lose it, make sure to take your time fell in love with the guy and be absoluly sure he is the one. And yes i was virgine to my wife
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Registered: 05-16-2006 Location:
posted on 09-19-2006 at 20:30 |
Most guys like girls who are virgins (I do personally for one, and I'm 22) the idea of inexperience offers them a challenge and often the thought that the girl wont come with as much baggage as some girls who have umptieth boyfriends in the background (of course this isn't the case, but it's a thought guys have.) Of course personal preference does differ. Contrary to a previous post, having sex is normal and does somewhat make you "fit in," as afterall we are mammals and are designed with the intention of procreation. In fact, that is one of the few things you actually can say we are meant and designed to do. Denying this fact is just foolishness and anyone who thinks otherwise ought to take a deep stare between their own legs (and realize the reason they exist is because of a long line of participants of sex in their family, littered with who knows how many sluts and deviants as well as prudes.)
Posts: 27
Registered: 09-22-2006 Location:
posted on 09-22-2006 at 13:05 |
man fat
Im sure i could cure you of your virginity lass
Posts: 25
Registered: 09-22-2006 Location:
posted on 09-22-2006 at 13:09 |
i'm 37...
and i'm a virgin... its not for the want of trying, its just my thing... its so big, no-one has been able to take it, not even the big bulbous tip... its such a shame cos all i want is some love, and too give someone a really good rogering...
Posts: 4
Registered: 09-26-2006 Location:
posted on 09-26-2006 at 13:54 |
'Hello, I'm a girl, 24, a virgin. At first it was a religious thing because I was raised a Christian and was taught that sex was evil. Now i'm not religious (for some time now)...
I am not a type of person who believes in no sex before marriage, in fact i don't even want to get married (politics).
I want to hear some guys' responses about this PLEASE '
Well, you sound a lot like a female version of me.
I'm 24, a virgin, was raised a Christian and was taught that sex was a filthy & vile act one must endure to multiplying in the true Christian numbers and only within the confines of marriage, and I don't believe in marriage because the relationship is what keeps people together, not some legally binding document.
I managed to break free of the religious programming at 18. I was interested in women, but my problem was that I'm a bit old-fashioned when it comes to how to treat the ladies. That's something I was conditioned to that I don't particulary wish to discard.
I couldn't manage to find anyone that could appreciate the old fasioned methods of respecting a woman. Girls seem to be more into the modern trends, so my behavior is construed as highly unorthodox in that sense.
"Chivalry is dead", as they say..... and women killed it. They don't find it attractive in the least.
But in spite of it all, I remain steadfast.
Posts: 64
Registered: 02-26-2006 Location:
posted on 10-01-2006 at 07:56 |
Look at this site
What kind of legalistic church are you people in ? Not all christians equate sex with a vile dirty act...check out this christian sex site for engaged and married couples. They are more sexually open and adventourous and have better sex lives than non-christians. I read somewhere, that christians have the best sex, which makes sense, since God created sex...
serously check out the site...it's amazing and very informative. Most waited until marriage (both virgins) and they are now having the most adventourous, great sex lives.
Posts: 9
Registered: 10-03-2006 Location:
posted on 10-03-2006 at 04:50 |
Well, you sound a lot like a female version of me.
I'm 24, a virgin, was raised a Christian and was taught that sex was a filthy & vile act one must endure to multiplying in the true Christian numbers and only within the confines of marriage, and I don't believe in marriage because the relationship is what keeps people together, not some legally binding document.
I managed to break free of the religious programming at 18. I was interested in women, but my problem was that I'm a bit old-fashioned when it comes to how to treat the ladies. That's something I was conditioned to that I don't particulary wish to discard.
I couldn't manage to find anyone that could appreciate the old fasioned methods of respecting a woman. Girls seem to be more into the modern trends, so my behavior is construed as highly unorthodox in that sense.
"Chivalry is dead", as they say..... and women killed it. They don't find it attractive in the least.
But in spite of it all, I remain steadfast.'
wow you sound like me and honestly that worries me probably more than anything. I'm 22, and hoping that sometime in the foreseeable future I can come across a girl who appreciates the values I have and the way I treat her.
Not having much luck, and as consoling as it is knowing there's others like me, it worries me about whether it will actually happen or not
Posts: 57
Registered: 07-07-2007 Location: Greece
posted on 07-07-2007 at 22:46 |
Wow, this is really sad. On the one hand, there's guys like you, who are looking for women who will appreciate them being angelic, and on the other, there's girls like me, who are looking for nice guys who will treat them like queens and give their man all the respect he deserves. What a pity we can't all get together, what's wrong with this world?
Are we just all too afraid???
Please anyone, if you're reading this, be TRUE to yourself, don't give up on your values just because it looks like the world doesn't care, believe me, there is someone out there who does care and they're looking for someone just like you...
Junior Member
Posts: 14
Registered: 09-30-2007 Location:
posted on 10-03-2007 at 13:26 |
Parthena, where are you?
It looks like we missed each other by just three months. I hope you return to the forum and check out my posts, I'd like to meet you, you sound like the type of girl I've been looking for...
Posts: 57
Registered: 07-07-2007 Location: Greece
posted on 12-01-2007 at 06:49 |
It looks like we missed each other by just three months. I sure hope you return to the forum and check out my posts, I'd very much like to meet you, you sound like the type of girl I've been looking for...'
LDSJay, how can you tell that from just the 3 lines I wrote?
I appreciate your attention but I think flirting is the most I could do on the Internet. I hope you understand.
Junior Member
Posts: 14
Registered: 09-30-2007 Location:
posted on 12-10-2007 at 23:31 |
Parthena, parthena, vierge fidele, me parlent encore...
Perhaps I can read minds?
Or better yet, let me answer you with a question: when a man wanders in the desert for ages, how does he know when he has finally stumbled upon an oasis?
Plus, I read all your posts, which constitute a lot more than 3 lines. I like a lot of what I read, and would like to know more. Such as: is Parthena a French name (as alluded to in my title) or Greek?
E-mail me (websites at palousenet dot com) and we can talk more...
Posts: 57
Registered: 07-07-2007 Location: Greece
posted on 12-16-2007 at 03:59 |
Hello again
'Parthena' is Greek and means virgin. So are you French? I like the oasis allegory and yes, perhaps I will e-mail you. *flirty wink*
Ok I am really embarrassed now.
Posts: 93
Registered: 07-20-2005 Location:
posted on 12-17-2007 at 19:02 |
Parthena, you sound like someone with experience and wisdom. In previous posts I have given my age and I am just so shy I do not have any actual experiences to share. i was wondering what is your age. i understand you live in Greece and I would like to know more about your culture and the attitudes towards sex. Arkansas USA Fem almost 19 Virgin
Posts: 57
Registered: 07-07-2007 Location: Greece
posted on 12-18-2007 at 03:23 |
Hi Arkansas chick
Heya moonlite,
You are pretty young. I'm about 10 years older than you but in the same boat as regards experience. Thanks for your compliment but I'm afraid I have neither experience nor wisdom. I do have good parents though and I'm grateful for that. They brought me up very strictly which I used to hate as a young girl but now I'm happy they were that way because it showed they loved me.
As for Greece, the culture here is the same as for any country in Europe. In the villages everyone is pretty conservative and in the city they do exactly what people in cities all over the world do. There is a lot of cheating/creeping going on here now though, even in the remotest villages, which I found very disheartening when I arrived here (I was born in Australia). It's all based on appearances: basically, if a guy tells a girl's parents that he intends to marry their darling daughter, they do this thing we call giving 'logo', which is letting everyone close to them know of the intended engagement/marriage. But it's really just a face-saving gesture so that the guy can then whisk the girl off on his motorbike and do whatever he wants with her without them (and especially her) being socially stigmatised. Most of my cousins got 'stolen away' in this way in their mid-teens. Now they're happily (I hope) married with kids and one of them is a grandma in her forties. I sometimes wonder which life is better: studying all one's life and marrying late or perhaps never, while trying to quell erotic desire, or marrying young, having a family, having parents' help to bring up kids and then being essentially free to do what one wants in one's forties or perhaps when one's chauvinist pig of a husband kicks the bucket at 50 from excessive meat consumption-induced heart disease? What do you think?
Posts: 1
Registered: 12-18-2007 Location: Texas, USA
posted on 12-18-2007 at 18:35 |
How interesting
How interesting panthera.....i always love learning about new Cultures... my dream is to travel when i get older..... Since you moved to Greece how do you like it down there?
Posts: 8
Registered: 09-09-2008 Location:
posted on 09-09-2008 at 20:28 |
lol parthena im just a teenager, but I found your post a liiiil bit intimidating.
Im actually 1/2 greek and for some reason the greeks very highly value tradition,to the point my family pressures me to marry a greek girl(a girls backround doesnt really matter so much to me, so long as shes nice)
the male chauvanistic part was just... i dunno a bit harsh. A guy enjoying meat doesnt make him a pig lol, him treatign women badly..fine that makes him a pig. Not his preference in food
besides, your GREEK..the greeks love their meat lol(lamb, fish, beef, rabbit) etc
oh and someone in here said Chivalry is dead.
Chivalry isnt dead, so long as there is one person alive who lives by that code of honor, it is alive. Granted as all humans are dieing there entire life(the process of living is the same as the process of dieing) chivalry is also infact "dieing" so to speak. However it will never truly be extinct
I consider chivalry to be the code of ethics where the man treats the girl like his queen, and would do anything and everything he could to protect her and treat her right.
Like the guy who pushes a girl out of the way of an incomign car, and gets hit himself and gets hurt. thats a good example of chivalry
Posts: 7
Registered: 06-12-2009 Location:
posted on 06-12-2009 at 16:58 |
i think fuckin a girl whos a virgin is great. shes not loose as fuck maybe she doesnt know anything but hell i love fuckin virgins.
hit me up if you want to lose that shit
Posts: 57
Registered: 07-07-2007 Location: Greece
posted on 06-15-2009 at 02:08 |
'lol parthena im just a teenager, but I found your post a liiiil bit intimidating.
Im actually 1/2 greek and for some reason the greeks very highly value tradition,to the point my family pressures me to marry a greek girl(a girls backround doesnt really matter so much to me, so long as shes nice)
the male chauvanistic part was just... i dunno a bit harsh. A guy enjoying meat doesnt make him a pig lol, him treatign women badly..fine that makes him a pig. Not his preference in food
besides, your GREEK..the greeks love their meat lol(lamb, fish, beef, rabbit) etc'
lol sorry that was a bit unclear. I didn't want to come across as a vego or any sort of meat hater because I LOVE the stuff! I eat it 3 times a week! What I meant to say was men in Greece are often chauvinists APART from their diet, because it is sort of a national pastime to be a chauvinist here. It's social stigma or peer pressure or something that causes men to think their penises will somehow drop off if they are seen to be doing 'women's jobs'. But thankfully this is starting to change now that both men and women are in the workforce putting in 14 hour days each, just to keep above the poverty line. I only have a problem with men not doing shit in the home when their wives are working. If one of the couple isn't working, it's only fair that partner does all the domestic stuff. :)
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