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Author: Josina Subject: 34 Male Virgin from London England

Posts: 2
Registered: 12-29-2008
Location: London

posted on 12-29-2008 at 02:40 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
34 Male Virgin from London England

I recently turned 34 and still can't believe I'm still a Virgin. When I look back I know have missed out on several opportunities to have sex, the first opportunity at the age of 18, and a few since but I'm pretty bad at reading the signals and knowing if a girl is interested in me and always waited and waited because I wanted the first time to be a little bit special.

I'm now at the age that if I like a woman I'm scared to start something incase it does lead to sex and I mess it up the first time I do it. By my age it's kind of expect by most people that you've already had sex, espacially for a guy.

I meet lots of women in London but more as friends.

I kind of wish I just knew another female virgin or an understanding woman that I could almost practise with. I've barely kissed a girl. I have no idea what it feels like to be naked in a room with one other person, and what it feels like to have that bare skin on skin contact and to be inside of a woman and I often think if I ever do lose my virginity I'll either burst out laughing because I'm so ticklish or start crying as all the emotions overwhelm me.

I'm looking to settle down over the next few years, meet a nice girl and have kids but I feel like I'm 10 years behind my real age.

I look and feel more like 24 then 34 and so I'm also in limbo as most of the women my age see me and assume I'm much younger then I really am. Plus I look at the women my age and naturally assume they're going to be so much more experienced them I am, and instantly know if anything happens in the bedroom I'm a virgin.

I've also heard that sex really makes a person feel like they're alive and for a number of years I've just felt like I've been living each day with nothing that makes me feel excited about life.

I'd really like to find someone to lose my virginity with, I guess ideally another virgin but it would be nice to lose it with someone who knows I am a virgin and could teach me about sex or if they were a virgin as well - simply learn together what feels good.

I just think of that movie the 40 year old virgin and think that's going to be me someday ..
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posted on 06-03-2009 at 13:25 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

"I just think of that movie the 40 year old virgin and think that's going to be me someday .." -You

That will be you in exactly 6 years. Your confidence is far to low to actually get a woman into bed. When you are 45, you will be "The 45 year-old virgin" and so on for every year for the rest of your life.This is your only hope!!
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posted on 06-15-2009 at 03:09 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Never fear

'I recently turned 34 and still can't believe I'm still a Virgin. When I look back I know have missed out on several opportunities to have sex, the first opportunity at the age of 18, and a few since but I'm pretty bad at reading the signals and knowing if a girl is interested in me and always waited and waited because I wanted the first time to be a little bit special.

I'm now at the age that if I like a woman I'm scared to start something incase it does lead to sex and I mess it up the first time I do it. By my age it's kind of expect by most people that you've already had sex, espacially for a guy.

I meet lots of women in London but more as friends.

I kind of wish I just knew another female virgin or an understanding woman that I could almost practise with. I've barely kissed a girl. I have no idea what it feels like to be naked in a room with one other person, and what it feels like to have that bare skin on skin contact and to be inside of a woman and I often think if I ever do lose my virginity I'll either burst out laughing because I'm so ticklish or start crying as all the emotions overwhelm me.

I'm looking to settle down over the next few years, meet a nice girl and have kids but I feel like I'm 10 years behind my real age.

I look and feel more like 24 then 34 and so I'm also in limbo as most of the women my age see me and assume I'm much younger then I really am. Plus I look at the women my age and naturally assume they're going to be so much more experienced them I am, and instantly know if anything happens in the bedroom I'm a virgin.

I've also heard that sex really makes a person feel like they're alive and for a number of years I've just felt like I've been living each day with nothing that makes me feel excited about life.

I'd really like to find someone to lose my virginity with, I guess ideally another virgin but it would be nice to lose it with someone who knows I am a virgin and could teach me about sex or if they were a virgin as well - simply learn together what feels good.

I just think of that movie the 40 year old virgin and think that's going to be me someday ..'

London, I totally understand you!I too feel younger than I am (30) mostly because I just haven't partied enough. I'm making up for that now. I think it's sad that the way society is so f****ed up now makes wonderful people like yourself feel sad for what you are instead of happy and PROUD, as you should be. You should feel wonderful about yourself! Believe me, there is nothing special about sex. Brainless, witless animals have sex and the next day they're dead and no-one bloody notices. But lovemaking with a person you love AS PART OF A WHOLE PROCESS OF COMING CLOSER WITH SOMEONE YOU TRULY LOVE, is different and beautiful and takes real brains, courage and heart. I know you will find your woman; maybe you should join a church or a club where you can meet ladies with similar interests. I promise it will open a whole new world up to you; you'll find your life's purpose and with that confidence will come the right lady. Please don't think you stuffed something up earlier in life. Our brains aren't dumb. There's a reason why we don't pounce when others think we should. There's always a reason, otherwise we WOULD pounce. And the magic thing is that that reason doesn't need to be valid to others; it only matters that it's valid for US. For example, if I reject the stud that all the girls are crazy about because I think I won't get along with him, that's a valid reason. It's valid because I KNOW MYSELF. If you know yourself, nobody can make you feel like a fool. And the better you know yourself, the more likely it is you will find the woman who will truly make you happy because you will be matched well.

All the best and remember: not many people who waited for their true love ended up regretting it; rather, MOST people WISH they had had more patience and waited when they DIDN'T.

God bless friend. :)
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Registered: 02-18-2011

posted on 02-18-2011 at 14:44 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Are you still looking?
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Josina (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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