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posted on 02-16-2006 at 23:06 |
What exactly is maturbating?
I sorta feel dumb asking this but what exactly is maturbation and how do you masturbate? I never really have masturbated before so I don't really know what it is or how you do it so can anyone help me here?
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posted on 02-22-2006 at 19:57 |
masturbation is the act by which a person attempts to give him/her self sexual gratification. Arousal, during intercourse or masturbation, is a more mental process than a physical one. Stimulation of sensitive areas is actually not even a necessity for some people to reach orgasm.
Some doctors believe that masturbation is a natural part of a person's sexual development because even some animals perform some form of masturbation. However, masturbation is not a necessity even though some people seem to think it is. In fact some doctors have theorized that masturbation, or self sex as it is sometimes called, can actually be detrimental to the sensations felt during true intercourse because a person gets more used to the sensations of masturbation and has a hard time getting used to a partner.
You are still young and have plenty of time to experience life. Just because someone else has done something doesn't mean that it is right for you. Try to find your own path in life and feel confident in your decisions. Hopefully you will know what is right for you.
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Registered: 02-22-2006 Location: Va
posted on 02-24-2006 at 14:46 |
unnecessary and harmful
This is very ugly and unnecessary act which by no means has any moral values in. As mentioned it's sometimes act by animals.. but we are human-beings and should analyse what's right and what's not..
Some doctors are misleading the society by encouraging this 'self-ejaculating' horrible act. However, majority of doctors, the medical science and most academical research point out that masturbation is un-healty thing to perform. Moreover, they list the following side effects:
1. Causes loss of memory
2. Perpetual weakness
3. Causes lack of concentration, especially if you study at high/graduate school
4. Causes physical damage to your body; it causes pimples (acnes) on the face.
5. Causes loss of sight power; harmful for the eyes (in long term)
6... and many else.
Young Confused,
Don't even try or go close to such unnatural, unhealthy and immoral behaviour/acts. Be patient and wait for your beautiful wife (if you are a boy) or smart-pure-virgin husband (if you are a girl).
I don't want you to do anything wrong,
Take care,
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Registered: 01-18-2006 Location:
posted on 02-24-2006 at 23:01 |
Urban legends
Its great that you feel strongly about celibacy in its purest form, Gradboy. It is good to see that there are still people out there that believe in that kind of lifestyle. However, I'm afraid that you have mentioned a few urban legends.
1. Causes loss of memory
This may actually be true. There are a few scientific studies that show frequent ejaculation can cause some memory lose in men. However, this includes intercourse and masturbation.
2. Perpetual weakness
Although masturbation is a waste of energy that could be better used for more productive projects, there is nothing to show that it directly causes a loss of physical strength.
3. Causes lack of concentration, especially if you study at high/graduate school
This is kind of a grey area. I have never heard of it. I'm guessing that this idea is caused by a belief that masturbation increases sex drive. There aren't any studies that I know of indicating this to be true. The hormones that cause the urge to have sex are there regardless of whether or not a person gives into them. These urges are a natural part of life (if it weren't for these feelings life probably wouldn't be as prolific as it is on this planet) but are felt differently by different people. In fact some people never feel the urge to have sex/masturbate for their entire life. However, it is believed that masturbation can be addictive for certain people as it causes the release of some of the same chemicals as drug use specifically dopamine.
4. Causes physical damage to your body; it causes pimples (acnes) on the face.
This goes along the same lines as the belief that frequent masturbation/sexual activity causes hair loss. Niether of these statements has ever been proven. They both likely come from the fact that the hormones of a person at puberty (the time when most people first start to masturbate) are at such high levels. The hormones cause break outs of acne (if you don't believe it ask a few women whether they have break outs of acne before menstration, another time of hormonal fluctuations) and hair loss not to mention cause the urge to masturbate. Masturbation doesn't cause changes in these hormones or at least not in the long term.
5. Causes loss of sight power; harmful for the eyes (in long term)
This is one of the most prolific legends about masturbation. Every truly scientific study done has shown no decrease in vision accuaty. A few studies even showed increases in accuaty due to increased blood flow throughout the body. Actually studies of ejaculation in men (either from intercourse or masturbation) have shown that weekly ejaculations are good for the heart (ejaculation is concidered cardiovascular exercise) and can decrease a man's odds of getting prostate cancer by 20%.
The main argument posed by doctors against masturbation is the psycological side effects of long term masturbation but I already mentioned most of that in my previous post. I'm sorry if it seems I am giving mixed messages but I like to give both sides of the story and try to base every thing on fact while still being supportive of everyone even if I don't feel the same way about a topic. I don't like to give my opinion on a subject very often (don't want to hurt anyones feelings) but I do agree with Gradboy in that as humans we should not act just like animals. I also feel that peer pressure is not a very good reason to do anything.
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Registered: 02-22-2006 Location: Va
posted on 02-25-2006 at 05:18 |
not a legend!
Hi 22yearguyvirgin
I appreciate your quick responces, I guess there are only two of us active in this forum though it's for women and I feel ashamed most of the time..
Anyway, you may be right at the level you made your researches or read things. No no I don't entend to be offensive.. please don't missunderstand ok, but the detriments listed above unfortunately are TRUE. I wish I had time to prove them all, by providing all related scientific papers written rigorously. Sorry, I have my own thesis that takes almost all of my time. However, let me throw some interesting observations about med-sciece:
For many years those scientists [!] were sure on patch (of birth control) have less hormonal effect on body than regular pill; but now they claim it's equivalent or has much blood clots than pills..
Evolution theory was so powerful claim that geology and biology sciences are made it fundamental for human progress. They said and saying we are just outcomes of monkeys which are also of some different small animals.. and so on. Althogh still there are some banal (I better call idiots not scientis) are devoted their lifes to prove Darwin was right on human origin though they never had any stong evidence for that.. now the modern science is trying to modify their mistake..
These are just two examples on how science could be controversial.
Very early established facts doesnt mean they are urban! You think aether is or lorentz transformations are also urban right; now we see they are not.
Anyway, some of those enlisted causes are directly related to masturbation and some are indirectly such as sight weakness. I wish I had time to show them all.. maybe later, how about that? The fact that masturbation is unnecessary and harmful is undeniable. That's also true from religious and even conscience point of view. Conscience never lies!
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Registered: 01-18-2006 Location:
posted on 02-25-2006 at 19:52 |
I have seen studies that claimed that many of the things you listed were true. However, just as you listed the Darwin controversies more resent and better controled studies dissproved them. If you do find the time do place some links to resources, I would be glad to see where you got your info.
Posts: 3
Registered: 03-08-2006 Location:
posted on 03-08-2006 at 22:43 |
Does anyone know of a way to stop masturbatin?
For a while Ive tested this. everytime I dont masturbate or have sex my skin is clear but when i became sexually active my skin just starts gettin acne. Also when i'm not sexually active I feel strong and careless but when i am i dont feel as strong or as cool than before.
Junior Member
Posts: 24
Registered: 03-17-2006 Location: Planet Jupiter
posted on 03-21-2006 at 16:31 |
u dun need to stop
Youi dunt have to stop masturbating, you just need to do it with hot sauce. It prevents the blood from creating excess oil that results in the acne you get after.
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